Friday, October 12, 2007


First I am going to try to list the reasons why we are unhappy and then will try to discuss ways which may help you to remove/reduce your unhappiness.

Reasons for unhappiness:

Actually only one reason comes to my mind for unhappiness and that is when we want some thing or we wish to get some thing and we can not get it. This can be in many forms:

We lost material things.
We lost some loved one.
We feel insecure.
We are afraid of loosing some thing.
We were expecting or hoping for some thing and it did not happen.

Ways to remove/reduce unhappiness:

Volumes have been written in this reference. I feel that if you rationally think in the following concepts, and try to formulate them in your lives, you should be able to remove most of the unhappiness:

Understanding that only few months’ back it was in the news that another celestial entity was discovered which is several million light years away from our earth. This should give you a hint that how "small" your existence is in the concept of nature.

You know it is a fact that you all are eventually going to die. The nature has been in existence for a very very long time – some thing like many many million years. At best, your personal life expectancy is about 100 years – if you are very lucky. This should give you a hint that how "brief" your existence is in the concept of nature.

You understand that all of you are not going to be able to acquire the resources available to Bill Gates. You also understand that you are better off than many human beings in this nature, therefore you are not "worse off".

It has been established that although your actions do contribute towards the results, you have no control on the results. Mainly due to the fact that there are always many other factors which contribute towards all the results.

Try your best to live the life the way you get it. Just like when you are playing cards, you have no control of the cards you are going to get. It is only how you use those cards can make some difference.

If you start expecting from life many additional things, that can be one of the largest reasons for your unhappiness.

It is good to plan and act on our thinking, but to expect that the things will turn out to our liking is the surest way towards our unhappiness.

The above concepts should mean that we all have our treasures and resources and are trying to spend very small amount of time on this earth. With this understanding, if we remove some of the "bad habits" from us, we may be able to remove our unhappiness. Some of the bad habits can be listed as:


Trying to change others (We all form our ideas and we think that we are correct. We can only change when we want to change ourselves),

Expecting others to act in certain ways,

Thinking that ours is the only correct way
Try to develop good habits like:

Control on our DESIRES.

Try not to be angry – as during anger your mind does not work properly.

Try to reduce or remove greediness.

Try not to be attached with any thing, as every thing is with you only temporarily.

Try to remove AHANKAR from your personality.