Friday, April 3, 2009



Very long time ago India was one of the most “advanced” society in the world. With change of times and with changed definitions of advancements, India became a slave, “third world country” and with lot of poverty. Recently, India became independent of British slavery and now it is catching up with the new “advanced” world.

Now in the advanced word also, India is being recognized as developing country. The old saying that “nothing succeeds like success” has started working for India. Now even the very old ideas and values which were developed in India have started becoming important for the advanced world.

From all this I want to make following suggestions for you:

In this period of time, the education you are receiving in India makes you lot more capable of handling the technical problems of your subjects as compared to the students studying in “western countries”.
The very very old ideas of honesty, truthfulness, hardworking etc have still the same importance as they had, when they were developed.
With today’s technology, you have access to most of the information being used or developed in the world. You can learn not only about the individuals and societies in India, but you can learn about most of the world. Even though there is so much information available, you still have to use your own mind in deciding what is good for you.
During my frequent travels, I have noticed the very fast rate of progress in India. With this rate of progress, I have also noticed that gradually more persons are making more money. This progress is bringing India towards advanced countries of the world. My wishful thinking is that with these advancements, you should still give importance to honesty, truthfulness, hardworking and not being selfish.
Please remember that when you become a successful professional, your hard work played important role. At the same time, please remember that apart from your hard work, there are many other factors which played different roles in your success. When you see a person who is not as successful as you are, please do not blame him or her. There are so many factors which played parts in your success, which may not have played in the life of the other person. This concept will help you in staying a better and less selfish person.